Whisper of Evil tbscus-5 Read online

Page 13

  "Great. That's just great."

  "Well, it's pretty obvious, you know. It's not like somebody's sitting in your jail charged with four murders."

  Flatly, Ethan said, "We have no hard evidence that Luke Ferrier's drowning was anything other than accidental or suicide."

  "Accidental? Ethan, everybody knows which side of the bayou that car went into, and from what I hear there's no way a car could have gone that far off the road unless it had been driven carefully and deliberately."

  "That doesn't rule out suicide, Shelby."

  "Except that a healthy bank account and tickets out of the country came to light after he died, I hear. Sounds more like he meant to take a plane when he left. And isn't it a bit coincidental for a man with secrets like that to die by his own hand when other men are being murdered apparently because of their secrets?"

  Ethan's frown deepened. "So that's common knowledge, huh?"

  "You mean has anyone else been connecting the secrets to the killings? Oh, yeah. These are pretty damned big secrets, Ethan. They sort of stick out in this quiet little town. And judging by what I've been hearing, every man in Silence between the ages of eighteen and sixty is examining his past and his conscience, wondering if he's done anything to paint a big bull's-eye target on his back."


  "No open panic yet. But it's coming." Shelby hesitated, then said slowly, "Have you considered asking for help?"

  "I'm not caning in outsiders," he said emphatically. "This is our problem, and we'll handle it."

  "Not outsiders. Nell."

  "You mean because she's supposed to be psychic? I don't believe in that shit."

  "You don't necessarily have to believe in it to use any tool that might possibly help, do you? Cops have been known to use psychics, even if they don't want to admit it publicly. What harm could it do to ask her? Ethan, people are already talking about her."

  "Yeah, I know."

  "What if the killer hears that and gets worried?"

  "You think he'd be less worried if I call her into the station to talk to her?"

  "Don't call her in. Make it more casual than that."

  "I don't think so."

  Deliberately, Shelby said, "So you're so unwilling to have people think you're chasing after her like Max that you won't even ask her if she can help? My mama used to call that cutting off your nose to spite your face."

  His mouth tightened. "And did she ever warn you about poking your nose in where it wasn't wanted?"


  "You should have listened to her, Shelby." The sheriff turned and walked away, the stiff set of his shoulders belying his casual air.

  Shelby absently took a picture of him when he paused at the curb, making sure her own face remained pleasantly unrevealing. Or at least she hoped that was how she looked.

  Tricky, this business of not letting on that she knew more than she was saying. And she had a hunch it was going to get even more tricky as time passed.

  She had a feeling she was going to enjoy herself very much.

  Not that this wasn't a serious matter, she knew that. Even a deadly matter. But that reminder did nothing to dim Shelby's lively interest.

  She watched Ethan Cole stalk away, then turned her own footsteps in a different direction.

  Anyway, the first task had been easy. She doubted the next task would be.

  Max drew his horse to a stop and sat there for a moment gazing silently toward the Gallagher family home. Then he turned his head and looked at Nell. "I never heard a whisper about Hailey being involved with Luke Ferrier. He was single, so was she. Why keep it quiet?"

  Since she knew that answer, Nell merely said, "What I want to find out is whether she had been involved with any of the other men."

  "You think she was the connection between them?"

  "I don't know what to think. But these men were being punished for their secrets, and Luke Ferrier at least had an apparently secret affair with my sister."

  Max frowned. "Everybody knows — now — that Peter Lynch kept a mistress in New Orleans and collected porn of a particularly sick nature, but if he was involved with anybody local, I never heard about it."

  Nell turned her gaze toward the house and frowned herself. "I'd say he was most likely, though, given that his secret was of a sexual nature. And maybe Randal Patterson; he was the one with all the sadomasochistic gear in his basement, right?"

  "Right. Far as I know, nobody's been able to find out who he played his little games with." He shook his head slightly. "You seriously believe it might have been Hailey?"

  It was a question Nell wasn't eager to answer, but she knew there was little choice in the matter. So she merely drew a breath and said, "Let's find out. Isn't Patterson's place within riding distance?"

  "Yeah. But are you sure you're up to it?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't have to be psychic myself to see what it takes out of you to… tap into one of these visions of yours. Maybe we should wait, Nell. Give you some time."

  "Time's probably the one thing we don't have a lot of," she said soberly. "This sort of killer tends to escalate his activities sooner or later, and the longer he goes without being caught, the more likely he is to do that. He could kill again in two months — or tomorrow." She hesitated. "But if you need to get back to the ranch —"

  "No, that isn't a problem. I have a good foreman and a good crew, so the work'll get done whether I'm there or not. But I still think you should rest for a while before we head out to Patterson's place."

  Nell was about to argue when she felt the telltale twinge in her left temple that warned of an approaching blackout. Damn… damn… damn… She knew only too well that Max would insist on staying and watching over her if he knew, and that was something she wasn't prepared for. Not here. Not now.

  So all she said, mildly, was, "I guess this afternoon will be soon enough. There are things I need to do here anyway, and no matter what you say I'm sure you should probably at least check in at the ranch. Can you come back around three or so?"

  "Yeah, but —"

  Before he could finish that, she added, "And you don't have to come in and check all the windows and doors. What you said about the killer possibly seeing me as a threat made sense, so I'm taking precautions. My partner's sticking close."

  "I haven't seen anybody."

  "You weren't supposed to." She smiled slightly to remove the sting, then dismounted and handed him the pinto's reins. "But he's close, believe me."

  Max glanced toward the house as if to try and spot someone lurking about, then looked down at her, his mouth twisting. "And I'm still not supposed to ask who he is?"

  "You can ask. I won't answer. I told you, Max — undercover is under cover."

  "I could say something nasty, but I won't."

  "I appreciate that."

  He lifted the reins and began to turn the horses, but paused. He looked away from her and then, as if he couldn't help himself, said roughly, "I got over you."

  Nell forced herself to speak steadily, to act as if it didn't matter. "I never expected anything else."

  "Didn't you?"


  Still looking away from her, his voice still rough, he said, "I'll be back here about three." He turned the horses and rode off through the woods.

  She watched until he was out of sight, then walked slowly to the house. Even before she opened the back door, she knew she wasn't alone so wasn't surprised to find her partner in the kitchen drinking her coffee.

  "So you aren't the only one who knows which emotional buttons to push," he observed. And when she stared at him, he added apologetically, "The window is open. Voices carry out here, you know."

  "And your hearing is too damned good."

  "Sorry about that. In this work it's usually considered a plus."

  She poured herself a cup of coffee and sipped, then frowned as another twinge in her temple reminded her she would soon have to find something soft to fall
on. "Never mind that now. I have some stuff to tell you and a photograph to show you. And I don't have much time."

  "Blackout coming?"


  "A little close to the last one, isn't it?"

  "A little."

  "Because the visions are more intense than usual? Or because you're home?"

  "Christ, who knows." Nell flexed her shoulders, but more in an attempt to ease tension than anything else. "Maybe both. Home isn't exactly a relaxing place to be right now. Anyway, I only have a few minutes."

  "And if Tanner gets back here before you come out of it?"

  "They never last more than an hour."

  "You mean they haven't so far."

  Nell got the manila envelope holding Shelby's photo and negative, then joined her partner at the table. "You and Max have a lot in common. You should sit down and talk someday."

  "I'll make a note." He accepted the envelope and opened it. "What's this?"

  "This may be a problem."

  He slid the photo out and stared at it for a moment, then looked at Nell grimly. "There's no may be about it. This is one hell of a problem."

  "Yeah. I was afraid of that."

  Justin searched George Caldwell's apartment twice from top to bottom. He checked out the closets, tapped walls, tried to pull up the corners of the carpet — all in an effort to find a secret hiding place, which, if it existed, insisted on remaining secret.


  "We've already done this, you know."

  He looked up with a start to find one of his fellow CID detectives, Kelly Rankin, standing in the open doorway with a quizzical smile on her face. Very conscious of the black notebook in his pocket, he managed a rueful shrug.

  "Yeah, but I was hoping I'd find something this time."

  "Any luck?"

  "Not unless you count the bad kind." He shrugged again.

  Kelly nodded. "I keep thinking we've missed something. You too?"

  "Hell, I don't know. We must have, right? Otherwise we'd be closer to solving this thing."

  "Maybe. Or maybe not, that's what I tell myself. Some crimes never get solved, you know."

  Justin took a last look around and then joined her out in the hallway. Closing and locking the apartment door behind them, he said, "And I thought I was feeling down."

  "Not down exactly. Just discouraged. We're just spinning our wheels, not getting anywhere. People are beginning to look at us like we're the Keystone Kops or something."

  "It's not that bad. We're not making fools of ourselves."

  "We're not making our boss very happy either. I don't know if you noticed, but the sheriff is sort of losing his cool about all this."

  "He does seem a mite testy."

  She grinned at him as they walked down the stairs to leave the building. "Stop trying to sound Southern. It isn't your best voice."

  "Yeah, I was afraid of that. But I have noticed that

  Sheriff Cole has been more than a little tense. Not surprising, you know. Until this series of murders, he had a nice, quiet little town on his hands. No fuss, no bother."

  "Being a detective was pretty boring, I hear. Before you and I were hired, they just had the one, Matthew, and he was mostly used as the sheriff's spy."

  Justin gave her a look and she grimaced. "You know it's true. Cole keeps tabs on just about everybody in his town, and Matthew came in handy for that. Probably one reason Matthew doesn't seem to have a clue how to investigate one murder, let alone four of them."

  "He's doing his share," Justin protested.

  "He's doing what he's told, period. Hardly any initiative there. And not much more from any of the deputies either. You and I are the ones out all hours sifting through every bit of info we have and digging for more."

  "Well, since we haven't so far dug up much that's proved helpful…"

  Kelly shrugged. "Still. Look, Justin, we're both outsiders, new to this town and these people, so maybe we can be a bit more objective than they can. Maybe we can see things a little clearer. All I'm saying is that we should keep our eyes open and maybe not take anything at face value. And watch our backs."

  They were standing in the foyer of the apartment building by then, and Justin frowned slightly as he looked at her. "You think the perp is a cop."

  "I think too many members of the Lacombe Parish sheriff's department haven't been as… helpful as they might have been. Nothing more than that." She didn't wait for his response, but added, "I'm parked out back. See you later, Justin."

  He stood there gazing after her, still frowning. It didn't really surprise him that Kelly had noticed something odd about the investigation, because he was reasonably sure any good cop would have — and she was a good cop. What surprised him was that she had chosen to share that concern.

  With him.

  Was it only because they were the most recent hires in the department, the least likely to be involved in either the murders themselves or any cover-up in the investigation? Or did Kelly somehow know — or guess — that Justin wasn't quite what he appeared to be?

  "Shit," he muttered.

  He wasted a minute or two thinking about it, then shrugged and headed out the front door. No good worrying, he supposed. No matter what, Kelly's advice was good — keep his eyes open, and watch his back.

  But it wasn't guarding his back he was focused on when he reached his car. It was the stunning redhead sitting on the hood who greeted him with a smile that made him, at least for the moment, forget his unrequited love for Lauren Champagne.

  "Hey, Justin. Remember me?"

  He cleared his throat. "Hey, Shelby. What's up?"

  "Funny you should ask."


  It was a little before three o'clock when Max approached the Gallagher house, this time much more quietly than he had hours before. He didn't want to admit to himself that he hoped to catch Nell's partner lurking about, but that would have been at least partially true.

  The rest of the truth was simply that he was feeling more than a little unsettled, worried about what Nell was risking by being here and doing what she was doing, and angry with himself for the earlier leave-taking that had demonstrated another truth all too clearly.

  If he really had gotten over her, he wouldn't have felt the need to convince her that he had.

  He never had been able to pretend disinterest with Nell. From that first summer, his awareness of her had been immediate and absolute, an intense tangle of complex needs and emotions that had bordered on obsession. He had been able to hide his feelings from others, if only because she had been so insistent that their growing closeness remain as private as possible. But between the two of them, there had been no uncertainty, no hesitation.

  They had belonged together, and both of them knew it as surely as though that truth had been stamped in the very molecules of their bodies.

  Max had no way of really knowing what Nell's life might have been like since she left Silence and him, and he didn't know why she had run away all those years ago without so much as a note left behind to explain her reasons. But he knew what he still felt, and even trying to pretend he didn't feel it was going to be next to impossible.

  So, naturally, he was mad as hell about it.

  He dismounted and tied the horses at the edge of the woods, then walked across the small backyard to the kitchen door. It was open, only the flimsy screen door providing any kind of barrier against whoever or whatever might want in, and he swore under his breath as he stepped into the tiny mudroom directly off the kitchen.

  He could see her through the doorway, sitting at the kitchen table talking on a cell phone, and she watched, unsurprised, as he stepped into the room.

  "Yeah, I know that," she was saying in her half of the phone conversation. "Maybe it'll be a wild-goose chase. Probably will, as a matter of fact. But we should at least get started and see if anything turns up."

  She fell silent, and even though he couldn't make out the words, Max could hear the distinctive
rumble of a strong male voice on the other end of the connection. It was something he had noticed with some cell phones and some voices.

  "No, we're going to check out the Patterson house next," she said. "Yeah. I will." A frown crossed her face as the man on the other end spoke at length, and then she said, "Well, we knew he would sooner or later, right? I'll just have to be careful what I tell him. So when — if — he shows up, I guess I'll play it by ear. Right."

  She broke the connection and then slid the little phone into the pocket of the jacket hanging over the back of her chair.

  Immediately Max said, "Precautions, huh? The door's standing wide open, Nell."

  "I just opened it a few minutes ago," she said. "I knew you were coming. The coffee's still hot, if you want some."

  Since she was obviously not going to refer to anything he had said earlier in the day, he was more than willing to follow suit. At least for now. He nodded and went to fix himself a cup of coffee, saying, "Was that your boss?"


  "What might be a wild-goose chase?"

  "Looking for Hailey. Bishop will have somebody back at Quantico try to track her down."

  A bit surprised, he said, "Because she was involved with Luke Ferrier?"

  "Reason enough to try to find her. Ask what she knows."

  "You really haven't been in touch with her at all?"

  Nell shook her head. "Keever said my father had received some kind of message from her a week or so after she left, saying she was never coming back and telling him not to bother looking for her. That's when he wrote her out of the will, so maybe it said something else that made him even madder, I don't know. I

  didn't even know she was gone until I talked to Keever after my father died."

  "How did he know where you were?"

  "He didn't. I called him."


  Nell drew a short breath and said softly, "I knew my father was dead. I felt it. Can we change the subject now, please?"

  Max was feeling too rawly exposed himself to be able to back away when he knew damned well how important this was, and so said persistently, "You said you hated him, so why did you care he was dead?"